G-10 holdings Structure, Management and Leadership

MT499-4: Assess the roles that structure, management, and leadership play in organizational performance.


For this project, in a 3 to 4 page paper, describe the structure of your company. In addition, describe, as the leader, how you will manage the business in order to realize the vision, promote the mission, and achieve optimal organizational performance.

Assignment checklist

  1. Determine a company business structure.
  2. Describe the management by objectives model applied in your company.
  3. Describe leadership in your chosen company.
  4. Describe the team concept and using teams in your company.

G-10 holdings Structure, Management, and Leadership

 Business Description

G-10 holdings will be a company specializing in the provision of bookkeeping and office management services to the existing and potential customers.  Therefore, the company will provide customers with either an All-in-one software that can help make everyday tasks easier or implementing an onsite trainer that will create offices procedures and systems to help the business run more effectively and efficiently. Additionally, the company will seek to help other firms and organizations who are unable to promptly update their financial transactions to uphold the accountability and transparency of their own organizations. Therefore, G-10 Holdings will be responsible for recording customer’s sales, receipts as well as individual and organizational payments. Moreover, office management services will make sure that the designing, implementation, evaluation and the maintenance of the work process in the customer’s organizations are taken care of to improve their effectiveness and efficiency.


Aspiring to create a work environment where employees can grow and find freedom to fulfill their potential.


To help our clients and people excel and grow

G-10 holdings  Business structure

G-10 holdings will be a Constrained Liability Company (LLC). A Limited Liability Company is a type of hierarchical structure where the shareholders of the organization can’t be held at risk for the organization obligations or liabilities. Limited Liability Company is formed by one or more people or firms through a special agreement written agreement detailing the overall organization of the Limited Liability Company to be formed (Čiutienė & Petrauskas, 2012). This special agreement includes details such as the provisions, powers, and duties of the management, assignability or the company interests and the distribution of profits and losses among the owners of the company. The company will initially be formed by five members who contributed the startup capital as follows:

  1. Raymond Morgan – 45 percent
  2. Jayne Doe – 15 percent
  • Debra Morgan – 20 percent
  1. John Paul – 10 percent
  2. Susan Kelly – 10 percent

The company will open on June 2017in a leased building in Huston Texas.

All decisions regarding the company operations and investment must be agreed by all the shareholders to make sure that there is equal power sharing and that all the operations run smoothly.  Additionally, the company will have to register with the internal revenue services, state and local income offices and also get a duty ID number before the opening of the business. The members’ percentage interest in the business will be based on the percentage of contribution of the startup capital of the organization.  Therefore, all the profits and closes realized during the operations will be equally shared among the shareholders on the basis of their percentage contribution.  Moreover, each 10 percent of the initial startup capital will carry one voting power.  Thus, the shareholders who have the most shares will have more voting power compared to those who have little shares.  Finally, all shareholders will actively participate in the selection of the management of the organization considering that the entity must be treated as a separate legal entity and no shareholders will be allowed to manage the business (Guchait, Lei, & Tews, 2015).  However, the shareholders can actively participate in the running of the business only through voting during the general meeting of the shareholders or any meeting that requires their undisputed attention.  The meeting will be communicated in person or through emails two weeks before the meeting date.

The management of the business

To maintain the best interest of the company at heart and to ensure that there is no conflict between personal and company interests, the company will adopt the manager-management technique.  In this technique of management, the shareholders appoint a team of professionals to run and operate their company. However, to make sure that everything is in line and the business is moving in the right direction, Debra Morgan will be part of the management team acting as the chief executive officer of the company. However, the handling of the daily operations of the company will be delegated to non-members who must be evaluated and selected by all shareholders (Larsson, 2016). Notably, the board of directors of the company who will control the affairs of the company will constitute all the shareholders thus making them passive managers when it comes to daily operations of the business. This management technique will give the shareholders an ample time to concentrate on activities that help to build the business as opposed to the member-managed LLC which requires the members to address the daily operations of the business.

The leadership of G-10 holdings

The leadership of the company is very important to the realization of the short-term and long-term goals of the organization.  Therefore, the leaders of the company must have the ability to lead the group of employees and embrace their responsibility and roles to be in a position to move in the right direction.  To get the best out of the employees, the company is planning to use democratic leadership approach where both the management and employees will actively participate in the decision-making of the daily operations of the business. Therefore, subordinate contribution to the overall management of the operations will be important as their suggestions and opinions will be put into consideration before arriving at the final decision (Jones, Harvey, Lefoe, & Ryland, 2014). As a result, there is the need to create and develop clear and smooth communication channels both upward and downward to make sure that there is a free flow of information both ways.  However, on special decisions affecting the running of the business such as the hiring and firing of employees, the management has to adapt autocratic leadership since such important matters of the business cannot be left in the hands of the employees. Thus, the company will use both autocratic and democratic leadership styles to run the company and take it to the next level.

Team concepts in the organization

Teams are an important part of the organization considering that it gives a chance to build team spirit which increases the cohesion of the organization.  The management will encourage the creation and development of both formal and informal teams in the organization since they motivate individual employees to fully participate in the operations of the business thus improving their productivity. Each department of the company will act as a formal team with a capable team leader who will oversee the operations and evaluate the performance of his or her team. However, to increase the competitiveness of the different teams in the organization, the management will eventually award the best performing team both monetary and non-monetary based on the results realized (Guchait, Lei, & Tews, 2015). However, the management will have a close monitoring of the teams to ensure that they give the best quality and quantity products and services irrespective of their competitiveness to improve the company’s competitive position in the market.


Guchait, P., Lei, P., & Tews, M. J. (2015). Making Teamwork Work: Team Knowledge for Team Effectiveness. The Journal of Psychology, 150(3), 300-317. doi:10.1080/00223980.2015.1024596

Jones, S., Harvey, M., Lefoe, G., & Ryland, K. (2014). Synthesising theory and practice. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 42(5), 603-619. doi:10.1177/1741143213510506

Larsson, J. (2016). Healthy and effective leadership behaviour through a leadership development programme. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1-15. doi:10.1080/14783363.2016.1216310

Čiutienė, R., & Petrauskas, P. (2012). MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES USING COACHING. ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT, 17(4). doi:10.5755/j01.em.17.4.3029