Identify a problem in society, your own life, in the life of someone you know, or in the life of someone you have read about.


Identify a problem in society, your own life, in the life of someone you know, or in the life of someone you have read about. Analyze aspects of the problem and present a solution to this problem from your own perspective. Use the concepts from the chapters to guide your analysis. You can also talk about irrational problem solving that has already occurred in relation to the problem that you identify. Your explanations should have reasons that support them and make use of the concepts in the textbook.

Sample paper

Creative Writing

One of the main problems facing the society today is the issue of racial tension. In the last one year, racial tension in the U.S. and other parts of the world has significantly increased. In the past few months, racial tension has increased owing to a number of shootings that occurred in the U.S., and the resulting loss lives of innocent people. Racial tension began escalating in 2014 following the shooting of a black man. In 2016, a number of officers were fatally shot, an event that was racially motivated following the death of another black man. Rising racial tension has triggered irrational decision-making among some individuals. For instance, five police officers based in Dallas were killed in what was termed as racially motivated crime. The suspect, Micah Xavier, reported to the police that the recent killings of black men drove him to committing the heinous crime. Shootings of black men are attributable to scapegoating, whereby police officers often associate black men with criminal activities. Individuals involved in scapegoating do not engage in logical thinking about issues affective meth. As such, they are likely to make irrational decisions.

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