Describe a time in your life where you outperformed your expectations in a class or under-performed in relation to your expectations


Describe a time in your life where you outperformed your expectations in a class or under-performed in relation to your expectations. What did you do that helped you succeed? What could you have done that would have made your performance better? Your explanations should have reasons that support them and you should make use of the concepts in the textbook.

Sample paper

Creative Writing

During my early years in joining high school, I greatly under-performed. This was due to the high pressure to perform and the change in the environment that stressed me out. In high school, I was met with new demands for better performance, more homework, SAT preparation, and involvement in extracurricular activities. Owing to the new challenges I faced, I got poor greats that really surprised me. The issue of proof surrogate also affected my performance. Prior to joining the school, I had on numerous occasions heard my elder brother make statements regarding how tough it is for fresh students in high school. Knowing how resilient he was to challenges, I developed the perception that life for me would be tough for me too. There are a number of initiatives I could have taken to perform better. First, adopting coping mechanisms would have helped me deal with my stress. This means getting used to the new environment and as quickly as possible. Instead of this, I opted for the use of proof surrogate to explain my new situation.