Controlling Energy Systems of Gamescape


Controlling Energy Systems of Gamescape

Resources: Gamescape Episode 4 and Ch. 15-18 of Visualizing Environmental Science.

Imagine that you are preparing a 200- to 500-word letter for a time capsule for your great-great grandchildren, which explains the long-term energy sustainability plan that you developed in Episode 4 of Gamescape.

Include the following points:

Briefly describe the nation’s current energy situation, reliance on oil, and renewable energy sources available. Discuss some challenges that our nation faces with managing our energy resources and how these challenges have affected you personally.
Describe the sustainability plan you developed in Episode 4 of Gamescape. Identify two strengths and two weaknesses in this plan. How can you address these weaknesses?
Present three ways in which you hope our nation will educate people on renewable resources and wisely managing our fossil fuel supply.
Close with one key message that you want your great-great grandchildren to understand about how our current society has managed energy sources and their environmental

Sample paper

Impacts of an Energy Resource Plan

The country’s energy situation is not yet at the critical level. However, the U.S. continues to rely heavily on fossil fuels as the major source of energy. Reliance on fossil fuels may have negative outcomes on the economy since the fossil fuels are in limited supply, contribute to global warming, and are susceptible to price fluctuations. The available renewable sources of energy are yet to be fully exploited. According to Lior (2008), renewable sources of energy account for about three percent of the entire amount of energy used. Common renewable energy sources in use today include hydroelectric power, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal and biomass energy.

The nation faces a number of challenges in management of energy resources. The U.S. is currently facing the challenge of price volatility in oil markets. The U.S. depends heavily on fossil fuels which are susceptible to price fluctuation. The price of oil has gone up driving costs of most products high, including transport costs. Another challenge in management of energy sources is the issue of environmental pollution which has taken centre stage in recent days. Environmental pollution has resulted in climate change which is evident in some states such as California which have faced prolonged drought (McKinney, Schoch, & Yonavjak, 2012).

Related Paper: Maintaining Terrestrial and Atmospheric Resources of Gamescape

The energy sustainability plan will focus on promoting use of renewable energy, promoting alternative and cleaner sources of energy and reducing the carbon footprint. The major strength of this plan is that it can significantly help in combating climate change. Another benefit is that the plan utilizes renewable energy sources which cannot be depleted. The major weakness is high cost of implementation of the plan. Another weakness is that renewable sources of energy may not fill the huge and growing demand of energy in the world. This challenge can be overcome by using clean energy sources such as nuclear energy to fill the energy gap.

The nation can educate people to use renewable sources of energy such as solar power at homes so as to minimize dependence on fossil fuels. Solar can be used for water heating and lighting at homes. People should also be educated on building energy efficient buildings or green-houses. Lastly, the nation should educate people on adopting energy saving measures. The current society has overused fossil fuel resources a situation that has led to environmental degradation and climate change.

Related Paper: Managing Population Growth of Gamescape.


Lior, N. (2008). Energy resources and use: The present situation and possible paths to the future.             ScienceDirect. Retrieved from

McKinney, M. L., Schoch, R. M., & Yonavjak, L. (2012). Environmental science: Systems and    solutions. Boston: Jones and Barlett Publishers.