Communication Paper

Question 1

Identify all the ways you have communicated, using media or technology, in the past week to collaborate virtually with someone. Identify how the presence of anonymity, physical appearance, distance, and time have had an effect on your virtual communication.

I have communicated using different channels of communication in the past week. These channels allow for virtual collaboration, which refers to the application of digital technologies in communication. One of the ways I have communicated using technology by using Skype. This free application allows individuals to make free calls and including video calls all across the world. I use it on numerous occasions to communicate with those who are far away. Another channel that I have used is web-conferencing. This was during a short training session at work. Web-conferencing involves sharing of computer screens in real-time. The web-conferencing application also supported voice and video communication, all in real-time.

Various elements play a role in influencing virtual communication. Anonymity enables me to develop catharsis and autonomy. According to Christopherson (2006), catharsis refers to the ability to express freely one’s emotions without fear of others knowing your real identity. With regard to autonomy, virtual communication can enable a person to acquire a new identity without fear negative ridicule from close friends and family. The presence of physical appearance in virtual communications helps in making the communication process livelier and more effective. For instance, one can be able to read the body language or gestures of the other person, which makes it livelier and more informing. Virtual communication bridges the physical distance between people. It makes one feel like there is no physical distance separating them. There are no time barriers while using virtual communication; a person can reach anyone at any time and place.

Question 2

Of the roles (Task roles, social roles, individual roles), which role or roles do you typically assume in groups, teams, and meetings? Identify two task and two social roles you usually do not assume. Why don’t you assume these roles

During meetings or in groups, I usually assume task roles. Task roles are those relating to the project of the meeting or group. Task roles help in moving the project forward. For instance, I often set the agenda of a meeting or group by defining the problem and outline goals that the group ought to achieve. Under the task role, I also engage in opinion seeking in order to establish facts or resolve a problem. Another role I assume is in clarifying. This involves reflecting on what the group members have said. Sometimes I also engage in coordinating and energizing.

The task roles I do not assume are opinion giver and recorder. I do not assume the role of an opinion giver because I believe my opinions are subject to biases and inaccuracies. Thus, when I state my opinion I expect to get feedback from other members on whether they approve of my opinion or not and reasons supporting their decision. I do not assume the role of a recorder because I consider it a passive task. I prefer contributing ideas and see this as an active role in the group. The social roles I do not assume are harmonizer and gatekeeper. I do not enjoy being the harmonizer because I am poor in solving conflicts especially when they involve friends. On the other hand, I cannot be a gatekeeper because I often get talkative myself and someone has to remind me to give others a chance to talk.

Question 3

Develop a meeting agenda for an upcoming meeting. Develop a meeting goal or goals, and identify the sequence of agenda items. After you have written your agenda, write a brief explanation of why you structured your agenda as you did. Use the information -> (identify meeting issues and questions, group issues and questions according to meeting goals, estimate how much time to budget for each question or issue, strategically sequence agenda items) as a basis for your rationale.

This is a sales meeting for a mobile marketing firm. The objective of the meeting is to review the performance of the sales team and make recommendations for the future. A number of goals were identified relating to the meeting. The first goal is to review the performance reports over the past week. The second goal is to brief the employees about the mobile phone industry in general, and including the new trends in the industry. Another goal is to recognize employees who have met or surpassed their targets over the last one week. The last goal is to plan for the upcoming week.


Meeting Agenda
Location: Conference Room

Date: 10/7/2017

Time: 8:00 A.M.

Agenda details Time
I.                    Welcome note

a.       Welcoming all staff present at the meeting

b.      Briefing them on the purpose of the meeting

5 Minutes
II.                 Corporate and human resource department announcements

a.       Market reports

b.      Status reports

10 Minutes
III.              Information about the industry

a.       Trends in the consumer market

b.      Competition

20 Minutes
IV.              Score-boarding

a.       Review of individual sales performance

b.      Recognition of top salesperson


15 Minutes

V.                Plans for the new week

a.       Individual plans

b.      Departmental plans


5 Minutes

VI.              Closing the meeting 5 Minutes


I have structure my agenda in this way because it provides a clear sequence of events that will take place during the meeting. By taking a glance at the meeting agenda, one can be able to tell how the meeting will be conducted and when it will end.

Question 4

Identify a team that you are currently participating in, or a team with which you have worked in the past. Identify norms and any explicit ground rules that were developed for the team. Even if the team did not have an explicit mission statement, as you reflect on the team goals and objectives, develop a team mission statement for the team using the guidelines -> how to develop a team mission statement. ( specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time bound, stretch,

I have worked in a sales team in the past. This team comprised of five people in charge of driving the sales and awareness of a new product that was currently on soft launch. There were certain norms and ground rules we had set. First, all team members had to attend meetings without failing. Failure to attend the meeting was only permissible if a member had concrete reason such as an emergency not to attend the meeting. During meetings, everyone had to come up with ideas on how to meet sales targets. The team members would then discuss the ideas raised to see which we would implement. A team leader was responsible for setting the agenda and scheduling the meeting. The meetings lasted for 30 to 60 minutes.

The team did not have an explicit mission statement. Nonetheless, the team had explicit goals that were directed at achievement of particular sales targets. One of the key goals was to meet the specified sales target. Another goal was to ensure customer support following purchase of the product. A third goal involved receiving customer feedback. The team would discuss customer feedback and make recommendations to the management. An appropriate mission would be, ‘To provide quality products to our customers by promoting engagement and using their feedback to improve on products.’


Christopherson, K. M. (2006). The positive and negative implications of anonymity in Internet    social interactions: ‘‘On the Internet, Nobody Knows you’re a Dog’’. Computers in         Human Behavior, 23: 3038-3056.