Responsibility of Christians In Economic Development and Leadership


What is the responsibility of Christians with regards to economic development, leadership within the community, and the mandates of the Gospel?

Sample paper

Responsibility of Christians In Economic Development and Leadership

Christians have a critical role to play concerning economic development, leadership within the community, and the mandates of the Gospel. In the beginning, God made man and assigned him an environmental stewardship role. The world as it is was a gift from God to humankind. God created different forms of resources to satisfy humanly needs. The Bible is not only concerned with the spiritual richness but also alleviating material poverty. This paper is an evaluation of the role of Christians in promoting economic development, leadership within the community, and mandates of the gospel from a Biblical perspective.

Christians have a responsibility to ensure there is economic development for poverty alleviation. It is the responsibility of Christians to help the poor, the disabled, the orphans, and other disadvantaged groups in the community. James 1:27 calls upon Christians to take care of the material needs of the orphans and windows to relieve them of their distress. Proverbs 29:7 calls upon righteous Christians to take concern of the rights of the poor. This verse indicates that well-off Christians have a responsibility to help the poor and remove them from their misery. No Christian should thus take advantage of the poor or the weak. Instead, Christians should develop ways to alleviate the pains faced by the poor. Acts 20:35 calls upon Christians to help the weak. Part of the verse says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Christians should develop programs that aim at empowering the poor financially. In this way, Christians will receive blessings.

Romans 12:13 urges Christians to share what they have with those who lack. Christians should not only commit to giving but also develop opportunities for work. Through such opportunities, the poor can be able to gain employment and fend for themselves and their families. Such opportunities for work will also promote economic growth and development. 1st John 3:17-18 urges Christians to share what they have with those in need. Verse 18 calls upon Christians to show actions or deeds rather than engage in mere talk. Christians must strive to help those who are disadvantaged, for such deeds delight the Lord.

There is need for Christians to take up leadership roles in the community. Leadership is about influencing others to follow a particular direction. Christian leaders within the community should influence their followers to a just and righteous course. In Acts 5:1-11, Peter embraced a leadership role in the church. His greatest task was to spread the Gospel among all those willing to receive the word. In 2nd Corinthians 8:2-5, Christians are urged to extend generosity to others. Christians must take the leadership initiative to help those who are disadvantaged in the community.

Christians have a responsibility to spread the Gospel. One of the key mandates of the Gospel is to give tithes or offerings. Malachi 3:6-12 cautions Christians against ‘robbing’ God by not offering tithes. In return, God will bless those who give tithings and offerings and they will enjoy great rewards such as bumper harvests. Matthew 6 also requires Christians to make offerings. This chapter cautions Christians from engaging in hypocrisy. Instead, Christians should give from their heart. In Acts 5:1-11, Ananias and Sapphira received punishment by death after they conspired to hide part of the money for land sold. This chapter cautions Christians against lying to God.

The bible recommends church leaders to adopt initiatives or programs that aim at alleviating poverty among members. Church leaders should implement poverty reduction measures by championing economic development. The Bible also calls upon Christians to spread to the Gospel in all corners of the world. Christians should also take up the leadership initiative within their communities.


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