Biblical Worldview Essay


The goal of the assignment is to demonstrate that you are able to practice your chosen major/program of study in a manner consistent with a biblical/Christian worldview. For this assignment, you will write a 600–1,000-word essay addressing the following topic:

Foundational to the Christian faith is the belief that mankind is created in the image of God. Explain how this belief affects the way you interact with people within your chosen vocation.


Biblical Worldview Essay


Despite coming from varied and different religious backgrounds, one thing is common, and that is that we believe we are all created by God in his own image and likeness. Particularly, the Christians believe that we are the children of the same Father, God Almighty irrespective of our skin color and races. The knowledge that we are all same and equal in the eyes of the Lord should help us create and develop moral and ethics to enable everyone to have and equal opportunity in life. From Christian teachings, the human being is above all creation and should live with much cohesion and love considering that he has the power to differentiate between bad and good (Goheen, 2008).

Example 1

Considering that human being reflects the image of God, as a human resource manager, I should give all individuals equal opportunities (Genesis 1:26-27). Many are the times that human resource managers are tempted to divide their workforce by their color skin and races. On other occasions, they may practice tribalism and nepotism by hiring individuals from his family and tribe. However, this should not be the case. Everyone should get a chance to compete fairly and justly to get the job in question. On another occasion, the human resources are biased on hiring men over women thus segregating women by their gender. Being created in the image and likeness of God, we all have a right to equal opportunities. I should practice fairness, justice, and equality during the hiring process.

Related: George Washington’s “Farewell Address” 

Example 2

Since humankind is created in the likeness and image of God, as a teacher I should be free and fair to all students (Genesis 5:1-2). Children are innocent and mistreating them by academic ability, background, families or races is ungodly. There is no one single person who chooses to where to be born, to whom, or his color. As a result, as a teacher, I should embrace the diversity in my class and use it as strength to help the weak students rather than making them feels inferior to others. Since I represent God in my vocation, I should lead by example and show my students how to live as one, as children of God my teaching them good morals and ethics.

Example 3

Another vocation that really needs an individual to display his or her acceptance of the teachings that human being is created in the image of God is being a judge (Genesis 2:7). A judge is tasked to ensure that justice is administered to all individuals in a particular area of jurisdiction. Considering that humanity carries the image of God, as a judge, I should ensure that justice and fairness are administered to all who come to court to seek them. To be in a position to observe this, I need to forget about my race or my confrontation I had with the victim on an earlier occasion. I should examine each case independently and leave nothing untouched to ensure the oppressed and victimized in the society have a chance to smile again after getting justice.


In conclusion, we can say that irrespective of our occupations and vocations in the society and country as large, we all need to remember that we all represent God in all we do. We may be tempted to bend the rules to fulfill our desires and interests, but this would definitely jeopardize other people’s chances of fairness, justice, occupation and life. It is always good to put ourselves in situation and shoes of the other person and try to feel their pain and the situation they are going through (Wallace, 2007). By observing this golden principle, the world can become like a village full of love, and we can live as children of the same father.


Goheen, M. W. (2008). Living at the crossroads: An introduction to Christian worldview. . Baker Academic.

Wallace, J. R. (2007). Servant leadership: A worldview perspective. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 2(2),, 114-132.

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