
  1. Ecology
  • Go to iNaturalist at: (You can create an account, but it isn’t necessary for this exercise)

At the iNaturalist home page, find ‘explore’ at the top of the page. Click ‘explore‘.

At the explore page, you should see the word ‘Observations‘ and two search fields, one titled ‘species‘ and the other ‘location‘.

In the ‘location‘ field, type in the name of the place where you live. You must enter

the correctly spelled city name, comma, and the two-letter state abbreviation

(example: Cleveland, OH). A list will drop down showing all of the possibilities of

your search. Click on your city. If your city does not show up in the list, you may use

your state, but try to use your city or a larger city close to you if possible. If all else

fails, use a city that you would like to live in (and specify that in your post).

In the ‘species‘ field, type in any group of organisms you’d like to see for your area (‘plants’, ‘mammals’, ‘birds’, ‘insects’, ‘fungi’, ‘mosses’, etc.). A drop-down menu will appear as you type in the search term, and you can click on that group. Below, you’ll see images of recent observations of the organisms that are common the location you’ve entered. Pretty neat, right?!

Now an important step – in the dark gray band that crosses the screen, you’ll see ‘observations‘, ‘species‘, ‘identifiers‘ and ‘observers‘; each word with numbers over it. Click ‘species‘. After clicking, underneath you’ll see all of the species for that group of organisms that are found in the location you’ve entered, and it is from here that you will select your plants and animals for this activity.

Click the organism about which you’d like to post, and you’ll be directed to a page where you will see some tabs that say Map, About, Taxonomy, Status (conservation status) and Similar Species. While CSU does prohibit the use of Wikipedia, we are going to allow this information to be used for this exercise only. You’ll use these tabs to provide some of the information in your first post. Also, do not use domesticated animals (dogs, cats, goats, cows, houseplants, landscaping plants, etc.) for this activity.

Post #1:

1. Now that you are familiar with how to navigate, choose 1 animal and 1 plant from your area. Give us your location (Laurel, MS), the common namegenus and species name (i.e. Western Honey Bee – Apis mellifera) and tell us why you chose to report on that animal and plant. Be sure to select an organism for which there is a species-level ID (i.e. not just genus). Again, please avoid domesticated plants or animals. Introduced or invasive species may be used however, but that will need to be indicated.

2. Next, answer the following in your own words and in complete sentences:

a.) What is the geographic distribution for this species (based on information at iNaturalist)?

b.) Is this species vulnerable or critically imperiled anywhere in its range? If so, where?

c.) Are there any similar species for which this one may be mistaken? If so, which one(s)?


Lastly, provide at least two interesting facts for each of your chosen organisms that may or may not appear on iNaturalist. Feel free to use the internet and be sure to provide your sources of information in your post.

  • Respond to Amanda

Post #1 I live outside the city limits in Rincon, Georgia. I chose the Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) because I see them around my yard, and on the days that I get to relax and spend time outside (which is rare), I love to watch them fly around and interact with the other birds.

A. The blue jay is found in eastern and central North America, from Florida to northern Texas and southern Canada.

B. Vulnerably – This species is found all over North America and is not thought to be in a category of vulnerable or severely endangered. It has been given the Least Concern rating by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

C. Similar species Steller’s Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri): They are both about the same size and shape, but the Steller’s Jay is darker and more evenly blue-black, and it has a noticeable crest on its head.

The California scrub jay (Aphelocoma californica) is about the same size and color as the Blue Jay, but its back and belly are gray instead of blue.

Jays can also be mistaken for magpies, crows, and other birds of prey, based on where they live and how experienced the observer is. The main differences are often found in certain feather designs, the sounds they make, and how they act.

Interesting facts: Blue jays build their nests in the crotch or thick upper branches of a tree, usually 10 to 25 feet above the ground. The male and female gather materials to build the nest, but the female usually does more of the building and the male does more of the collecting.

Blue Jays are smart and can mimic other birds (sounds of a hawk) to warn other blue jays of predators. They can also remember food locations for long periods.


Blue Jay Life History, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Plant: Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). It’s known for its yellow flower that turns into a ball of silver that disperses in the wind. They are one of my favorite flowers (weeds) in the spring season that grow wild.

A. They grow in temperate regions of the world in moist soil. Due to its resilience and rapid reproduction, the dandelion has successfully spread across various regions through human influence. Although originally native to Eurasia, it can now be found in the Americas, southern Africa, India, Australia, and New Zealand due to accidental or intentional introductions.

B. This hardy plant is not endangered.

C. Similar Plants – Cat’s Ear (Hypochaeris radicata)

The cat’s ear has yellow flowers that look a lot like dandelions and a clump of leaves at the base. But the leaves are hairy and don’t have a straight form.

Dandelion leaves are smooth and have deep teeth, while cat’s ear leaves have clear lobes and are covered in fine hairs. Cat’s ear flower stems are solid and branch out, while dandelions’ stems are hollow and don’t branch out.

Two interesting facts: Every part is edible and nutritious. They have also been used to make medicine.

Reference: www.

  1. Medical Law and Ethics
  • Fraud and abuse have been huge problems in U.S. health care. If you were a medical employee and noticed fraud and/or abuse outside of your department, how, if at all, would you go about correcting that issue?
  • Response to Kiyomi

Encountering fraud or abuse outside of one’s department presents a challenging situation that requires careful consideration and action. When faced with such a scenario the first step that I would is to think and understand the gravity of the issue. Fraud and abuse can take many forms from financial misconduct to patient neglect and each has severe implications for patients, colleagues, and the healthcare system at large. Then I would document the observed behavior accurately and objectively, noting dates, times, and the nature of the misconduct. If the appropriate course of action is unclear, seeking advice from a trusted supervisor or human resource department can provide clarity. After reporting I would then cooperate with any investigators and remain patient. Addressing fraud and abuse in healthcare is a duty that falls on every employee regardless of their department.

  1. Accounting
  • If you were to open your own business (a business that would require you to keep an inventory), what inventory costing method would you prefer? Discuss why you chose the particular inventory costing method and if your costing method would follow the actual flow of your inventory.
  • Respond to Aisha

I would start a business for a children’s clothing store, I believe the Weighted Average Cost (WAC) method would be the most practical approach to inventory costing. WAC calculates an average cost for all inventory items, making it relatively simple to manage, especially when dealing with a high volume of similar products like children’s clothing. This method also helps smooth out price fluctuations often occurring in the children’s fashion industry due to seasonal trends and sales. While WAC doesn’t perfectly align with the physical flow of inventory, the high turnover rate typical of children’s clothing minimizes the impact of this discrepancy.

  1. Biology
  • There have been at least five extinction events in the long history of life on Earth, due to climate change and asteroid impact, and another more recent one, caused by humans, looms. Scientists have suggested that emerging genetic technology could “resurrect” some recently lost species (not dinosaurs, as in Jurassic Park, which is not possible due to DNA degradation) to ecosystems where they had an important role in the food web. What do you think about bringing some species back from the past and what role could they play in today’s world in both ecological and evolutionary contexts? What might we learn from the “de-extinction” of these lost species? For inspiration, please see the video below. I strongly encourage you to conduct further research on this topic from reputable sources to help craft a quality post and reply.

Video Resource: “Resurrecting Extinct Animals” (Segment 10, 5:08m)


Java Films (Producer). (2022). Resurrecting Extinct Animals (Segment 10 of 11) [Video]. In Rewild. Films on Demand. ( 200 words)

  • Respond to Joel

I find this topic interesting. On one hand, I am fascinated that we have people and the technology capable of doing this. It brings up a ton of future possibilities. On the other hand, all I hear is Danger, Danger, Danger. Ethically, I am all for making our current state and future better, but resurrecting the past may be going too far.

From the video “Resurrecting Extinct Animals”, they state that one of the benefits of this is, it would make the ecosystem more powerful and aggressive. To me, that does not sound good. Now, maybe I am overthinking that statement but “more powerful and aggressive” sounds like, “does not play well with others”, and makes me wonder what new problems it would make by doing such de-extinctions. Preserving our planet is one thing but trying to bring back old life sounds too much like playing God. Unfortunately, trying to do this does not usually end well.

From another view, from what I have researched, these biotech breakthroughs could highly benefit some endangered species. Genetic engineering could help animals resist the pressures of an everchanging environment. While I do not feel de-extinction is the right path, using science to help strengthen life in real time and being aware of the effects is something I may be able to agree with.

  1. Corporate Finance
  • Valuation, Governance, and Planning: A Triad for Corporate Success

Corporate valuation serves as a cornerstone for decision-making, strategic planning, and investment; however, its accuracy and effectiveness often rely on the backdrop of good corporate governance. Governance structures and policies can significantly influence a company’s value, either positively or negatively, affecting shareholders and the broader market.

Address the following topics for this week’s discussion:

Corporate Valuation Techniques: Begin by discussing two or three primary corporate valuation techniques with which you are familiar. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each method? How do these techniques help in determining the inherent value of a corporation?

Governance Impact: Examine how different governance structures can affect these valuation methods. Can good governance enhance the value derived from these techniques? Conversely, can poor governance diminish the value? Provide real-world examples where possible.

Financial Planning Enhancements: Reflect on the various financial planning techniques introduced in this unit. Recommend at least two techniques that, in your opinion, have the potential to enhance the value of corporations. Consider their short-term and long-term implications.

Agency Costs and Debt Covenants: Briefly discuss how the use of debt covenants can serve as a tool to reduce agency costs. How does this relate to governance and potential enhancements in corporate valuation?

  • Response to Sewonya

Starting with, there are primary methods for determining the worth of business entities which I can name. Each method comes with its own strengths and drawbacks; for instance, one might provide a detailed evaluation of the entity’s standing but might need substantial data. Meanwhile, another may not need as much data but might not offer such an extensive analysis. Employing these evaluation methods assist in identifying the actual worth of a business. Next, different modalities of management can influence these evaluation methods. In contrast, improper management can lessen the worth. The business world provides many examples of this. In this unit, we have examined various strategies that, according to my perspective, hold the capability to uplift the worth of business entities. Consider the short-term and long-term impacts of these strategies. Finally, review how applying debt agreements can be used as an aid to minimize the costs of a middleman. Query how this connects to management and the potential to increase the worth of a business entity.

  1. Research Methods
  • Which do you feel is generally a more useful inferential statistical procedure to aid in business decision-making: regression or t test? Explain your rationale and provide an example(s).
  • Response to Edwin

In my opinion, regression analysis serves as a more valuable statistical method for assisting in business decision-making. This is because it allows for analyzing various elements that could influence an objective, such as the success of a new product launch, business expansion, or marketing campaign. It also assists in determining which analysis factors to consider and which to ignore. Business leaders can benefit from regression analysis as it allows them to gain experience and knowledge of the process, which they can then apply to predict their business’s performance or the performance of associated markets.

The medical field is a common industry that employs regression analysis to research correlations between drugs and a patient’s blood pressure (Bobbitt, 2020). For instance, researchers may give patients different doses of a particular medication and track how their blood pressure changes. They could develop a straightforward linear regression model using dosage as the predictor variable and blood pressure as the response variable (Bobbitt, 2020). Agriculture is another common industry that employs regression analysis. For instance, agricultural researchers frequently measure the effects of water and fertilizer on crop yields by applying varying concentrations to various areas to observe these effects. Using crop yield as the response variable and fertilizer and water as the predictor variables, they might fit a multiple linear regression model (Bobbitt, 2020).


Bobbitt, Z. (2020, May 19). 4 Examples of Using Linear Regression in Real Life.