Family Origin Paper

. Through the course of our lives we interact in many systems. However, it is the first relational system with which we interact – our family of origin – that has the most powerful and persistent influence on how we think and feel about ourselves and on how we interact with others. It is this system that has the most powerful impact, both positive and negative, on our future relationships. An individual acquires from his early-family experiences, or “family of origin,” a set of explicit and implicit expectations, values, attitudes, and beliefs which serve as points of reference for the evaluation of all interpersonal life experiences. These interactions with the family of origin begin with the birth of an individual and continue to exert an influence throughout life. (Brian Canfield) Both of these quotes point to the influence of the family of origin on the individual. Understanding oneself, especially oneself within relationships, requires some understanding of the interpersonal dynamics of one’s family of origin. Most families, however, with all their inadequacies, generally care for their members. To celebrate this reality, however, we need words that identify and validate family strengths as well as family limitations.

The text for this course presents a systemic orientation. After reading the text, please complete the following assignments: Apply the concepts from the texts, recommended readings, and the content of the course and write a paper reflecting upon your own family of origin – at least three generations. You may have to interview family members to get adequate information for this project. From a systemic perspective, Identify problematic relationship patterns in your family of origin and how they have influenced you as an adult and in your own interpersonal relationships. Identify qualities and strengths in your family of origin and how they have enriched your adult life.

The paper you submit should be 6 to 10 pages, double-spaced in 12 point Times Roman Type. I am especially interested in your reflections on how you understand yourself and your current relational patterns in light of the work that you have done on your family-of-origin study. PLEASE NOTE: The research and reflection for this assignment – if done properly – is extremely time consuming. In order to complete this assignment satisfactorily you will need to begin your research on this paper during the first week of the course. The paper is due at the end of the 8-week term.