International Business and Global Strategy

International Business and Global Strategy

Initial post:

  • Includes one substantive initial post using at least two scholarly or professional references with accompanying in-text citations to support any paraphrased, summarized, or quoted material.
  • initial post should be at least 350 words.
  • Includes an open-ended, thought-provoking question posed to classmates.

Part II: Select your research paper topic and write your problem statement.

Throughout the course, you will be working on your final research paper which is due in unit VIII of the course. For this discussion assignment, select a topic of interest within the realm of international business in the global marketplace for the research paper. Your topic must contain a problem statement. The problem statement should describe the international business issue and why the issue is important. Though you are not limited to these, the following list provides examples of potential topics:

  • Values and Norms
  • Religious and Ethical Systems
  • Legal Systems
  • Labor Policies
  • Economic Systems
  • Property Rights
  • Trade Barriers
  • National Differences
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Strategy and Structure
  • Communication Barriers

Include at least three potential resources you will use in your research paper.

If no initial posts exist to allow for a response to be made, you may submit an additional initial post addressing another aspect of the unit topic.

Response posts:

  • Includes at least two substantive responses that each include at least 1 scholarly, professional, or textbook reference with accompanying in-text-citation to support any paraphrased, summarized, or quoted material.
  • at least two responses should be at least 200 words.

Response # 1 Crr-S

Part II – The Global Labyrinth of Data Privacy and Intellectual Property

In the era of globalization and digital disruption, multinational corporations (MNCs) face complex ethical challenges as they navigate the intricate landscape of data privacy regulations, intellectual property (IP) rights, and copyright laws across various jurisdictions (Dhirani et al., 2023; Edquist et al, 2022). This multifaceted challenge poses significant risks and opportunities for MNCs, making it a critical issue that warrants careful examination and strategic decision-making (Dhirani et al., 2023).

The exponential growth of data collection and cross-border business operations has led to an unprecedented level of interconnectedness (Ganesamoorthy et al., 2023). However, this interconnectedness clashes with the increasingly fragmented and diverse data privacy regulations across the globe (Gstrein & Beaulieu, 2022). This patchwork of laws creates an ethical dilemma for MNCs, as companies must reconcile the need for responsible data practices with the protection of their intellectual property rights, including copyrights (Dhirani et al., 2023; Edquist et al., 2022).

The ethical ramifications of this issue are far-reaching and multidimensional. On one hand, MNCs must ensure compliance with data privacy regulations to safeguard the privacy and rights of individuals whose data they collect and process (Lee et al., 2016). Failure to do so can result in severe legal consequences, reputational damage, and erosion of consumer trust (Lee et al., 2016). On the other hand, overly restrictive data privacy regulations may impede MNCs’ ability to leverage data for innovation, competitive advantage, and the development of new products and services, potentially hindering their growth and profitability (Ducato, 2020; Schmit et al., 2021).

Furthermore, the intersection of data privacy regulations with copyright and broader IP protections creates additional complexities. MNCs must strike a delicate balance between respecting data privacy rights and safeguarding their intellectual property, which is often embedded in the data they collect and process (Gstrein & Beaulieu, 2022). Failure to navigate this intersection effectively could lead to legal disputes, loss of competitive advantage, and potential infringement of IP rights (Cunningham, 2018; Ganesamoorthy et al., 2023).

This is an important issue that will become increasingly complex in today’s globalized business landscape. As data becomes an exponentially valuable asset and as consumer awareness of data privacy rights grows, MNCs must proactively address this ethical labyrinth to maintain their social license to operate, foster consumer trust, and ensure long-term sustainability and competitiveness.


Cunningham, M. (2018). Complying with international data protection law. University of Cincinnati Law Review, 84(2), 421-450.

Dhirani, L. L., Mukhtiar, N., Chowdhry, B. S., & Newe, T. (2023). Ethical dilemmas and privacy issues in emerging technologies: A review. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(3), 1151.

Ducato, R. (2020). Data protection, scientific research, and the role of information. Computer Law & Security Review, 37, 105412.

Edquist, A., Grennan, L., Griffiths, S., & Rowshankish, K. (2022, September 23). Data ethics: What it means and what it takes. McKinsey Digital.

Ganesamoorthy, M., Mani, M., Pandeeswaran, C., & Selvakamal, P. (2023). Copyright and IPR ethical concerns and solutions: In the digital age. Journal of Communication Engineering and its Innovations, 9(3).

Gstrein, O. J., & Beaulieu, A. (2022). How to protect privacy in a datafied society? A presentation of multiple legal and conceptual approaches. Philosophy & Technology, 35(1), 3.

Lee, W. W., Zankl, W. & Chang, H. (2016). An ethical approach to data privacy protection. ISACA Journal, 6.

Schmit, C., Giannouchos, T., Ramezani, M., Zheng, Q., Morrisey, M. A., & Kum, H. C. (2021). US privacy laws go against public preferences and impede public health and research: Survey study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(7), e25266.

Initial post: # 2 The Doctoral Research Study Journey

  • Includes one substantive initial post using at least two scholarly or professional
  • references with accompanying in-text citations to support any paraphrased, summarized, or quoted material.
  • initial post should be at least 350 words.
  • Includes an open-ended, thought-provoking question posed to classmates.

Part II: List three topic choices you are considering for your dissertation. Include a scholarly source for each of the three potential topics.

Part III: Describe the top three hurdles or challenges you think you might encounter during your dissertation journey and your plan to mitigate them.

If no initial posts exist to allow for a response to be made, you may submit an additional initial post addressing another aspect of the unit topic.

Respond to post #2 BrB

Dissertation Topic Choices

After speaking with two colleges my choices have been tabled and I am revisiting how to make one of the three work for the dissertation choice. The first option and passion is to Educate Homebuyers on Downpayment Assistance. “In addition to having a place you can call

your own, a home is an investment” (Gardner, & Gardner, 2023 p. 2).  The second option is the Ethical Choice Behind Human Resources Supporting Leaders Over Employees. “Human Resource Management practices as those activities that relate to specific practices and formal policies that are aimed at developing, motivating, attracting, and retaining employees who secure the successful running and support of the organization” (Angonga, & Florah, 2019, p. 2). The third choice has not been decided. Initially, I had two prepared before sessions with Dr. Boyd and Dr. Wike. “Studies focused on factors that can improve doctoral completion and decrease time-to-degree” (Zhuchkova, & Bekova, 2023, p. 4).

Dissertation Journey Hurdles or Challenges

The venturous path to completing my dissertation is choosing the right topic. If allowed it would be great to a topic someone has written about and build from it by completing further research. As the dissertation is completed, no one foresees the hurdles or challenges before starting the journey.  Time is always an issue regardless of what you are pursuing.  Therefore, my three will be people blocking the path, businesses’ lack of participation, and sourcing correctly to avoid the assumption of plagiarism.

  1. My boss noticed during my lunch break, I try to read and sometimes start my assignments. Now she is scheduling mandatory meetings during my assigned break time. The HR department responded to me stating that’s her right to choose a time and that I don’t get to change my assigned lunch time.
  2. Business’s lack of participation: What happens if the business organizations you need to get information from or hold interviews with don’t want to cooperate? This will make it difficult if not impossible to complete your studies.
  3. Sourcing correctly to avoid the assumption of plagiarism: Every time I feel I have APA 7th edition sourcing format correct, I get flagged and have to try again. I have tried using the help of Citation Machine and APA Citation.

Mitigation plans to resolve the hurdles or challenges:

  1. Using my employee assistance plan, I will be seeking legal advice regarding lunch breaks.
  2. Prescreen business now once I pinned down a topic to see if participation interviews will be an issue.
  3. Keep utilizing the software and the book for correct APA citation delivery.


Question: Have you attended the Research On sessions with Dr. Wike and Dr. Boyd? If so, did they crush your topics, and now you are trying to decide on a new one?


Angonga, M. C., & Florah, O. M. (2019). A theoretical account of human resource management practices, ethical work climate and employee ethical behavior: A Critical Literature Review. Business Management Dynamics, 9(4), 1–8.

Gardner, C., & Gardner, R. (2023). Home buying tools: Planners can provide immense value by helping clients evaluate the decision to rent or buy a home. Journal of Financial Planning, 36(11), 70–77.

Zhuchkova, S., & Bekova, S. (2023). Building a strong foundation: How pre-doctorate experience shapes doctoral student outcomes. PLoS ONE, 18(9), 1–13.